Another provision would limit the liability of employees for legal violations related to their employers' equipment, shifting the responsibility for such violations to employers.
But the company's legal situation and potential financial liabilities related to the problem devices are growing more and more complicated.
1) Amend section 555 (deduction for liabilities related to former...
Perhaps worse, it also committed the ultimate sin of omission - it failed to disclose the extent of its contingent liabilities related to those partnerships.
While investors and analysts seemed pleased that the acquisition would move forward, some analysts were still uneasy about the possible liabilities related to the fraud accusations.
Centel is to receive $325 million in cash and Utilicorp will assume about $21.3 million in current liabilities related to the electric properties.
The study found that none of the banking companies reported any liabilities related to Superfund.
The authority also sought to force the city to assume the costs of legal liability related to the merger, but finally agreed to share the costs.
In business finance, trade working capital (TWC) is the difference between current assets and current liabilities related to the everyday operations of a company.
Civil Liability The following provisions would govern actions for civil liability related to tobacco and to health.