By Thursday, the liberal Guardian had united with its conservative counterpart to accuse Iraq of prompting another confrontation.
The liberal Guardian said it would be "greatly in Turkey's interest" to embark on a dialogue with the Kurds.
The next day the liberal Guardian claimed in its front page lead story that this was nonsense put out by the British American Tobacco Co.
In Britain, the liberal Guardian said Clinton should not be toppled by the affair.
The liberal Guardian said the talk of impeachment was premature.
But, the liberal Guardian has pulled these comments.
Sorry, the middle-class 'liberal' Guardian has decided that you can no longer be offended.
The conservative Daily Telegraph called the decision "overdue"; the liberal Guardian said the government's response to the refugee crisis has been "slow and niggardly."
The liberal Guardian carried a correspondence on its letters page about whether or not Clinton's sexual behavior can be explained by Darwin's theory of evolution.
The liberal Guardian , however, said that the bombing would only be justified if it led to the self-determination of the Iraqi people.