He argued that liberal economics rather than protection would best serve the interests of the landowners.
However, with the oil shock of 1973, and the economic problems of the 1970s, modern liberal economics began to fall out of favor.
In the eyes of many, especially Washington, he succeeded, with a free press, elections and liberal economics.
Against this powerful combination of socialism and nationalism, liberal economics stood little chance.
White Zimbabweans sought to vote for liberal economics, democracy and the rule of law.
Now we understand that liberal economics has its pluses and minuses.
To that extent, global free trade, liberal economics and liberal political systems are all encouraged.
It is going to give us a free market, liberal economics and the solution to all our woes.
Perhaps it is time we had a choice between parties which agree that liberal free-market economics are here to stay.
Her ideological attachment to liberal economics has kept her from trade protection.