David Wilson: Andrew Anthony is right: liberals have indeed failed.
We are headed for a terrible confrontation between fascist Islam and right-wing fascists who will step in when liberals fail to do so .
What liberals fail to recognize is that regime change in Iraq is not some distraction from the war on Al Qaeda.
Nixon showed the American people that liberals had failed to meet the challenge of Communist espionage in the highest reaches of government.
It's not just that liberals fail to see history in the making; they also ignore the lessons of history-even those that should be fresh in our minds.
The liberals also failed to gain support of the United States.
"We are succeeding because the liberals failed," he said.
A lot of support has been coming from former Liberal Forum voters, after the liberals failed to enter any legislature.
Noticeably, however, liberals fail in any media realm where there is competition.
And liberals have failed on that measure.