So liberals have finally found a drug addict they don't like.
But, an ever-staunch liberal who describes herself as a child of the 1960's, she found reasons to keep looking outward as well.
David Brooks suggested in a recent column that liberals and religious conservatives might find common ground in the fight against poverty.
Unless liberals could find something in outer space that demanded our attention.
Western liberals find little fault with Dr. Turabi's work on paper.
The same liberals who said there's a lack of dollars for prescription drugs miraculously find money for this medical mutilation.
At first, both conservatives and liberals found elements in the encyclical to which to appeal.
Moderates and liberals, who have tried on and off to introduce new taxes, find that politics has turned upside down since the ruling.
Local liberals, however, found it none too surprising.
That's a conclusion we liberals find repugnant, and it would be nice to avoid it.