Of the liberal imagination, spirit and tradition, little was heard.
The other heritage is neoconservativism, the counterculture's nemesis, which differs from traditional conservativism because of its origins in the liberal imagination.
The liberal imagination fails, the liberal simply cannot conceive it.
After moving to New York in the early 1960s, Sontag decided that the liberal imagination needed to loosen up a bit.
But it is moving to see a leading architect of the liberal imagination develop a new vocabulary for the Rolling Stone generation.
The answer must be a return to the liberal imagination and the arts that have traditionally supported its explorations.
But that seems the limit of the liberal imagination.
It would be a monument to the liberal imagination, and eventually would turn a liberal profit.
It masks the failure of the liberal imagination to address the social justice side of the democratic equation.
Elaine S. Hochman's great theme is the fragility of the liberal imagination.