Second, liberals flat-out reject the Founders' belief that we were "created" and "endowed by our Creator" at all, much less with unalienable rights.
The dispute was political as well as cultural: the liberals strongly rejected the gradualist approach, regionalistic ethos, and Germanophile agenda of Junimea.
The liberals, not surprisingly, reject this notion.
Muslim liberals often reject traditional interpretations of Islamic law, which allows Ma malakat aymanukum and Slavery.
But many liberals reject such arguments.
Earlier this week, Mr. Rostenkowski won agreement from the supporters of a capital gains cut for a limited alternative, but the liberals on the committee rejected the plan.
American liberals commonly reject both laissez-faire capitalism and socialism as means to distribute economic resources.
The liberals rejected his offer, and the war intensified.
It is true that liberals, in the main, rejected this prediction.
In the name of equality, liberals reject all claims of an inherent right to govern or possess superior wealth based upon caste or status.