There's not a single theme, though, because both liberals and conservatives are using the process.
Now liberals are using their control of the media to persuade the public that we are losing the war in Iraq.
Other liberals have used the phrase to support such values as family planning, affordable child care, and maternity leave.
Some liberals, mostly Democrats, would use the money to immediately expand social programs.
I love it when liberals use public opinion as evidence for their own views.
In the 1980's people are very critical of throwing money at such problems; that's what those old liberals used to do, they say.
Public borrowing can be economically smart - or so most liberals used to preach.
The trade deficit was one of many issues that liberals used to beat up conservative presidents.
He often makes reference to the civil rights movement, when liberals used Christian rhetoric to win change.
The case here is simply that the European socialists, liberals, communists and greens are once again using double standards.