However, her advice is directed especially at her fellow journalists, whose tips she liberally spreads throughout this book.
The film is liberally spread with clips from the movie and ghost-like appearances of Rick (Jerry Lacy) giving advice on how to treat women.
(Don't be surprised to see CNN on the news channel, and other Time Warner properties spread liberally through the service.)
Turn the dough out onto a board liberally spread with the all-purpose flour.
The intertower area smelled like flowers and cedar chips, which were spread liberally around the landscaping.
Thankfully, checkpoints are spread liberally throughout the game's five chapters.
President Clinton is seeking solace and forgiveness wherever he can find it, liberally spreading his contrition around to politicians and preachers alike.
She liberally spread the glemnar flowers and waited.
Pulling off the few leeches that had attached themselves to him in the dark, damp walk, he liberally spread mosquito repellent over every exposed area.
Some variations include vermicelli or mixed nuts and raisins spread liberally over the rice.