It was the scene of the naming of the first authorities of a Mexico declared liberated from Spanish rule.
The rebel force says it will liberate the ethnic Albanian majority from Serbian rule.
He traveled extensively and negotiated with the Austrians in order to liberate his people from Turkish rule.
It took almost two years before Ecuador was entirely liberated from Spanish rule.
It is also "independence day;" on Nov. 8, 1912, the island was liberated from Turkish rule.
Liberated from Russian rule by the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, Georgia spent three years as an independent state.
It is the Chechens who seek to liberate themselves from Russian rule.
What we had liberated from Persian rule would not be returned to them.
Eritrea was liberated from Ethiopian rule in 1991.
The foreign minister belittled reasons cited by the Bush administration for the war, specifically that it wants to liberate the Iraqi people from despotic rule.