It is Professor Schuessler Fiorenza's view that Revelation has particular relevance today as a liberating message to disadvantaged groups.
When the Apostle Paul declared: "In Christ there is neither male nor female, Jew nor Gentile, slave nor free," this was a liberating message that proclaimed equality and justice.
The teaching of this uplifting, unifying and liberating message of the Upanishads has remained Swami Dayananda's central mission for the last five and a half decades.
Some loyalists discern a liberating message in his example.
They share an affinity for plucking ideas from religion, philosophy, pop music, television and movies, and synthesizing them into a prophetic, liberating message.
I go on Bhakti pheris to spread the liberating message of Svadhyaya.
The teaching of this uplifting, unifying and liberating message of the Upanishads has remained .
Professor Schuessler Fiorenza believes that Revelation has particular relevance today as a liberating message to disadvantaged groups.
Others have argued, however, that the narratives of these films offer only the repressive perspective and that viewers must read the texts "against the grain" to be able to find a liberating message.
More recently, some traditional Buddhist practitioners have expressed concern that attempts to view Buddhism through the lens of Western psychology diminishes the Buddha's liberating message.