Goldwater's speech writer, Karl Hess, became a leading libertarian writer and activist.
As part of this effort, Friedman published an article, "What's Wrong with Libertarianism," that prompted wide discussion among libertarian writers.
Junius was an 18th-century libertarian writer.
Mattias Svensson (born 5 October 1972 in Karlskrona) is a Swedish libertarian writer and political commentator.
The Praetorian has a staff of ten to fifteen conservative republican and libertarian writers and editors.
Neoliberal policies advanced by supranational organizations have come under criticism, from both socialist and libertarian writers, for advancing a corporatist agenda.
Harry Browne, 72, American libertarian writer, politician, U.S. Presidential candidate and radio talk show host.
As a libertarian writer, Octave Mirbeau gives voice to a maidservant, Célestine : that is already subversive in itself.
This approach differentiated Bradford from many other libertarian writers such as Ayn Rand.
Since then, the term has been used sporadically by a number of libertarian writers including Anthony Gregory and Bryan Caplan.