The library comprises more than 400,000 titles and is one of the largest libraries in the area.
The library comprised over 1000 books, and the reading room was well supplied with the usual papers.
The library now comprises two floors inside the original facade, with German but one of several foreign languages represented.
The modern library comprises some 187,000 items, about a third of which were published before 1800.
The library comprises about 130,000 items, including many manuscripts.
The library comprises a handful of games, educational titles, and productivity software.
One hundred years later, the complete library, including departmental and subject libraries, comprised more than 4.3 million volumes.
The library comprises 60 000 media on Jewish life in Germany and abroad.
The library comprises 30,000 titles, besides music and image departments.
The library comprises handpicked compositions that have been close to the artist's heart and created with great passion.