In 1968 colour television was introduced, and the number of licence fee payers passed one million.
Delivering value for licence fee payers: key financial data and accounts.
The BBC needs to start concentrating on delivery to licence fee payers.
A very disappointed viewer and licence fee payer.
The corporation was reported to have spent £200,000 on fighting the case and was accused by commentators of wasting licence fee payers' money.
Let licence fee payers decide if you got it just about right.
Or you can find out about the Audience Council England and how it represents licence fee payers.
The Trust concluded that Project Canvas will deliver significant public value for licence fee payers.
What a kick in the face for fans and licence fee payers.
Does ALW hand a bit back to the licence fee payer?
In 1968 colour television was introduced, and the number of licence fee payers passed one million.
Delivering value for licence fee payers: key financial data and accounts.
A very disappointed viewer and licence fee payer.
The corporation was reported to have spent £200,000 on fighting the case and was accused by commentators of wasting licence fee payers' money.
Pity the BBC still give such rubbish air time (at licence fee payers expense).
Let licence fee payers decide if you got it just about right.
Or you can find out about the Audience Council England and how it represents licence fee payers.
The Trust concluded that Project Canvas will deliver significant public value for licence fee payers.
What a kick in the face for fans and licence fee payers.
Does ALW hand a bit back to the licence fee payer?