He also ordered Mr. Chambers to pay a $200 fine for the license violation.
Mr. Galatis first reported what he believed to be a license violation at Millstone I in 1992.
It's a good resource for free software enthusiasts and developers who are concerned about license violations and want to contribute to productive enforcement efforts.
Chambers pled guilty in July 2005, and on August 29 he was sentenced to a reduced sentence of 90 days in jail and fined $200 for the license violation.
The year 2007 saw him hosting the final season of Pimp My Ride only, although he competed in the Gumball 3000 2007 rally, where he lost his driver's license, due to a speed limit violation.
Other changes relate to internationalization, how license violations are handled, and how additional permissions can be granted by the copyright holder.
Only the individual copyright holders have the authority to sue when a license violation takes place.
"They will reach an agreement with Gazprom, or the license violations will get the better of them," Caius Rapanu, oil and gas analyst at the brokerage firm UralSib, said.
It was unclear whether Mr. Smith was carrying a valid license when he was arrested; he was not charged with any license violations.
This, it has been argued, would prevent third parties reverse engineering the system and offering alternative software since the end users would be in a situation of license violation.