The state also doesn't allow passengers under 20 in the car, unless supervised by a licensed driver at least 25 years old.
In the United States, there are now more cars than licensed drivers.
In 1994, the nation's 175 million licensed drivers were almost evenly split between men and women.
In 1963, women represented less than 40 percent of 93.5 million licensed drivers.
That is less than 1 percent of all licensed drivers.
Yet, measured as a group, per licensed driver, older people have few accidents compared with younger drivers.
"Yes, you need to have a licensed driver with you while practicing."
And the only licensed driver in the subject vehicle had been under the influence of something, they still didn't know what.
In fact, there are more registered vehicles here than licensed drivers.
The total also includes households that cannot afford a car or do not have a licensed driver.