Of these, only 45,000 are being cared for by licensed providers.
Residents will be able to arrange independently with a licensed provider for additional services beyond what the development itself can provide.
But licensed providers throw away their needles after one use.
A licensed provider gets $6,500 a year per child.
Because Ms. Nolan used a licensed provider, she and her husband were able to check references provided by the county.
For instance, the Federal government pays licensed providers to buy healthy food and snacks for children in their care.
Unlike licensed providers, who must complete 80 hours of courses, the new workers will not be required to obtain any training.
Residents can arrange for personal care through a licensed provider set up by Castle, or may choose their own.
The hospital hosts over 1700 licensed medical providers and serves over 1.2 million residents of the region.
Cover was to be provided only by licensed providers (and brokers).