Legal cultivation of opium for medicinal purposes is carried out in India, only in selected areas, under strict licensing conditions.
By including reach through clauses, new technologies, based on the licensed one, will be treated under the same licensing conditions that cover the original license.
However it does mean that the underlying licensing condition included in a licensing agreement must be the same regardless of the licensee.
Part of the station's licensing conditions was to air two hours of educational programming on every weeknight, with no commercial interruptions.
However it is usually possible to modify equipment to work correctly on these frequencies within the terms of the individual's licensing conditions.
As a result, if end-users do violate the licensing conditions, their license disappears, meaning they are infringing copyright.
As for who will provide the millions of charging points necessary, Lord Turner suggests that electricity companies could be forced to do this as a licensing condition.
If your activities are controlled, you will need to obtain the appropriate licence and comply with the licensing conditions.
I am referring here, as many here have already done, to different licensing conditions imposed by Member States for the third-generation services.
In April this year we announced the first three conditions of the Licensing Act 2003 (mandatory licensing conditions) order 2010.