It makes final licensing decisions and takes disciplinary action against people who violate the licensing laws.
The FCC pushes back that rule 1.4(b)(2) only applies to individual licensing decisions.
There are probably also many minor licensing decisions where no element of fairness is accorded, particularly with respect to licences granted by local authorities.
That's why licensing decisions can't be left up to the Commerce Department without strengthening the hand of other agencies in setting policy.
Ms. Millerwise said she could not discuss the details of individual licensing decisions.
The blanket exclusion was adopted after complaints about the previous system, which left some licensing decisions for individual state boards to make on a case-by-case basis.
No licensing decision had been made by the time of the company's acquisition.
It also provides a brief introduction to the background policies, and international regimes and treaties which affect strategic licensing decisions on a day-to-day basis.
For instance, U.S. exporters are entitled to a level playing field when it comes to getting expeditious licensing decisions.