Eventually, he took a position working in the studio's licensing department where he worked his way up to middle management before quitting to focus on writing.
Master Tape Collection presented convincing evidence of the tape's authenticity, and our licensing department thus felt comfortable working with them.
A. The licensing department of the university was trying to protect and then market the Yale logo.
"It's not that we've killed the bill - we are instructing the licensing department to meet to explore solutions."
The commercial licensing department for the Guardian, Observer and guardian.co.uk.
MLB's licensing department can't say for certain.
Matthewman worked as a salesman and teacher whilst undertaking study in his spare time for the bar exam before joining the licensing department of Rolls-Royce.
"They have a very small number of people in the licensing department who are trying to keep track of a very energetic defense industry," he said.
The answer lies with policy decisions to be made in the licensing departments of Philips and Sony.
She is an assistant in the licensing department at Jim Henson Productions in New York.