Microsoft needs to drop their stupid licensing restrictions and allow wireless.
The geographical limits based on station power or on federal licensing restrictions have no relevance.
Due to font licensing restrictions most embedded systems only support ISO-8859 fonts.
To avoid social unrest, Hackney council scrapped the licensing restrictions on 7 October 1896.
In 1858, the government lifted the licensing restrictions on the number of performers, and Offenbach was able to present more ambitious works.
In 2008 Open-Mesh began offering similar software with fewer licensing restrictions.
This relaxes the licensing restrictions, so it can be used in more general computing devices, and is particularly intended for special-purpose computer/software combinations.
A disclaimer on the back of the album stated that licensing restrictions made those tracks unavailable for inclusion on the album.
Due to local licensing restrictions, the outdoor tables close two hours before closing time, whereafter the intimate interior is almost as good.
Before, NGO's had hoped that onerous licensing restrictions were about to be repealed.