I did a double-take when I saw a small Turner watercolor lying carelessly on a stack of tin cans and burlap.
He was dressed in a new shooting-jacket, with his gun lying carelessly across his shoulder, and an ugly pointer dog following at a little distance.
He glanced at a long, yellow mummy, its wrappings still quite well preserved, lying carelessly, it seemed, on a nearby shelf.
The lantern revealed his excavations, his tools lying carelessly where he had dropped them-and a black gaping aperture!
He could see a gavel lying carelessly on the desk near Marshall's hand.
Valuable tapestries were also lying carelessly around.
At length, looking under the bed, they saw a large, common hair trunk, without hinges, hasp, or lock, and with the top lying carelessly across the bottom portion.
In front of it was a multi gym dumbbells lying carelessly to one side.
It just goes to show that one should never leave old enemies lying carelessly about.
His coffin was in the centre of the dim cellar, its lid lying carelessly on the floor beside it.