Thou hast deprived us of our freedom; our 'mother' lies unattended and failing.
Levitas was lying unattended in the same dusty landing ground, his tail curled around himself; he looked tired and lonely.
His own blade swung wildly, then tumbled out of his hand to lie unattended just out of the circle.
Their bodies would lie unattended to be devoured by dogs and jackals.
I suspect that the facilities lie unattended, ours for the plucking.
You chatter on about false claims of magic, while a letter from the Prime Minister of England lies unattended on the desk!
A brace of dead bodies lying unattended in the middle of the thoroughfare testified with silent eloquence to an exciting night just past.
Everything was going well, then one of the Gagauzi looked over at his fallen comrade, at the velvet-covered box lying unattended on the concrete.
At a Portuguese Army warehouse, material was lying unattended near a gate.
Backpacks lie unattended in the hallways, a gesture of trust possible in a homogeneous student body of just 550.