The lieutenant in charge of the unit has testified that he received a radio call ordering him to assemble his men at the school.
He was never convicted in South African courts, even though his lieutenants testified," in detail and with consistency" about the medical crimes they conducted against blacks.
A New York City police officer was placed on administrative duty yesterday after a "lieutenant" in a Manhattan drug gang testified that the officer had taken payoffs to protect gang members.
Hooch listened with a straight face as a young lieutenant testified that all Hooch's whisky had been sold to the sutler at exactly the price it sold for last time.
His own lieutenant has testified that Kirk used a child to gain access to Krako.
The following day, Mader's attorneys dropped a bombshell when an ex-police lieutenant testified that the Chicago Police Department had framed Mader and planted evidence used in the trial.
The lieutenant testified that he angrily told Sergeant Bryan, "He was going to die anyway."
Bring in the training you've done, have your lieutenant testify as to your expert skills.
The lieutenant testified that she had been led to believe by the Navy officer who had mediated the agreement that the captain would not be promoted.
"The lieutenant has already testified that all six torpedoes were fired as a single volley."