As a result, their lives diverged until a few years ago, when they passed each other on a Rochester street.
She would hardly know where her real and imaginary lives diverged.
Although they now see each other frequently, their lives diverged after their father died.
The boys remain close friends, though their lives diverge.
When we'd been children, we'd been so close that we were almost one person, but after her marriage, our lives diverged.
Now their lives had diverged again into a score of independent aims and ambitions.
But history may never have produced a generation of adults whose lives have diverged more sharply from their expectations.
All he had to do was find where his life had diverged from its path-findthatmomentofclarity.
Their lives had diverged, and there was nothing either of them could do about it.
Though they stay faithful to this most diverse of postcodes, their adult lives diverge dramatically.