This had not been stolen from a dead planet, paid for with the lives of creatures who had never offered a threat of any sort.
In the course of the life of most creatures there come periods where qualitative changes take place as well as quantitative ones.
It is our life, and it goes on, like the life of other creatures.
The story centers on the lives of creatures called Bakugan and the battle brawlers who possess them.
The show delves into every aspect of dinosaur life and the lives of other creatures who lived with them.
Every creature adapts to do things more efficiently, and sometimes wrecks the lives of other creatures in the process.
Many of our sects object to taking the lives of natural creatures.
Each episode was around five minutes long and portrayed the life of fictional creatures living in a swamp.
Look at them, mad, cruel beasts, playing games 240 with the lives of other creatures.
The lives of other creatures span very different periods to our three score years and ten.