As a result of major improvements in sewage treatment, New York waters have more life-giving oxygen than they have had in 80 years.
Back and forth he swept the cone, as if playing a stream of water with a hose, and the foggy particles changed to harmless, life-giving oxygen.
Even as trees dutifully absorb the planet's carbon dioxide and give back life-giving oxygen, there may be a primordial need, as the poet suggests, to assert control over them.
Miya held him in her anns, surrounding him with her touch, her contact flowing into his mind like life-giving oxygen to wake its higher centers, its voluntary controls.
The sense of being smothered intensified as Bruce's brain screamed for life-giving oxygen.
They reached the hole and sat breathing the life-giving oxygen.
Beneath me, I could almost feel the mighty rainforest trees breathing, absorbing the world's carbon dioxide, and putting back life-giving oxygen.
The life-giving oxygen being stored as a liquid inside much like coffee is kept hot there inside a thermos bottle.
Scientists went on to discover that immersion in cold water - or even simply holding your breath - triggers something called the diving reflex, which the body uses to conserve life-giving oxygen.
Its mind grew sharper with the fresh blood of its kill and the life-giving oxygen of the spring air flowing through the giant body.