Although he stayed for little more than a year, this interval inspired a life-long love for France and the French, later renewed in his war reporting.
It was what excited me as a year 7 (well it was the 'first year' in 1980) and gave me a life-long love of computers.
It was the start of a life-long love.
"We need to do more to encourage children to read for pleasure and to develop a life-long love of reading," he said.
Hegel's life-long love of Sophocles and his profound historical preoccupations issue in a novel view of the relationship between chorus and hero.
One parent summed up the school well by noting of their son, 'Wilson's has helped him realise his potential and given him a life-long love for learning.'
During the late 1990s, Thornton, who has had a life-long love for music, began a hobby as a singer-songwriter.
(It is later revealed that this is because Toru Washio, her life-long love owns the building where she lives in)
In this article, you'll learn the top five tips necessary to get started on a life-long love of home beer making.
Despite his progressive illness (Avery suffered from emphysema), Avery carried on his life-long love of crime and journalism until the end of his life.