On this life-or-death decision, political science takes precedence over biological science.
Overwhelmingly, state laws and courts have granted the spouse the first right to make life-or-death decisions.
Should her husband or her parents make life-or-death decisions for her?
The agonizing life-or-death decision scrolled out on computer screens around the world.
Where will the new President turn for vital information to help him make life-or-death decisions on foreign affairs?
For most, reacting without thinking could be a dangerous thing, but not when you were trained to make life-or-death decisions in milliseconds.
If your baby was born very small or sick, you may face a hard life-or-death decision about treatment.
You were compelled to act, and in a split second you made a life-or-death decision.
Doctors in other countries often "protect" families by making life-or-death decisions independently, but perhaps with insufficient knowledge of or respect for a patient's wishes.
He wants an election now to be a referendum on this national life-or-death decision.