For the first time in a long while, the Chicago players say that basketball has become more of a game again, not a life-or-death struggle.
Every network on the planet was by now giving live coverage of the life-or-death struggle taking place high in the skies above Brazil.
You're in a life-or-death struggle and you didn't tell me.
They are in a life-or-death struggle for fulfillment as human beings.
"It turned a dispute over working conditions into a life-or-death struggle," she said.
For a party that believes most of government is irrelevant, we seem to approach governance as a life-or-death struggle.
He had thought himself in a life-or-death struggle with me; of that I had no doubt.
The play "shows two figures playing out their life-or-death struggle around a single simple prop."
In a life-or-death struggle, there is no chance to "try again."
Not that either side views any of this as any life-or-death struggle.