Putting these together, it would mean that a life-saving service would not have by any means the highest priority if the lives saved were few or were ones of mere existence.
When all goes as it should, the life-saving medical services available to combat units like Captain Wilson's may actually swell the ranks of psychological casualties.
The Milk Bank at Sorrento Maternity Hospital in Mosely provides a life-saving service to premature and sick babies who are too weak to feed directly from the breast.
The poison call center is staffed with poison experts including - physicians, pharmacists, nurses, and other specially trained in toxicology - provide life-saving services to Illinois residents and health care professionals.
Within our overall budget, we will tackle the shortage of intensive care beds with a special programme providing an additional £25 million to expand this life-saving service.
"With the service, no one ever has to be denied the right to life-saving services simply because their language is not understood."
Repeal of these new Medicare benefits will mean significant costs for many of America's seniors and less use of these life-saving services.
Victor was a fine body of a man, and through a lucky friendship managed to get into the life-saving service.
The plan if put into effect would be a public policy that explicitly denies poor people life-saving medical services available to those who can pay or whose insurance coverage will pay for them.
They know what to look for in an emergency call and can ensure that the helicopter is mobilised when its life-saving services are required.