When prices ration access to life-saving technologies, you have morally unacceptable outcomes.
In its early days, pasteurization, now regarded as a life-saving technology, was controversial; opponents argued that it would compromise the nutritional quality of milk.
Its recent safety campaign drew attention to life-saving in-car technologies, such as Electronic Stability Control and curtain airbags.
Windhorse International combines radically affordable, life-saving or income-generating technology with radically decentralized supply chains to earn profits serving bottom billion customers.
During her career at NASA, Ms. Belcastro worked on several life-saving technologies, from aircraft wind-shear warning systems to math modeling for aircraft control systems.
"A.E.D.'s have proven effective in saving lives," he said, "and I believe that all airline passengers should have access to this life-saving technology."
Rep. Bishop said, "I commend Norchem for earning this federal grant to further develop its innovative and life-saving technology.
Manufacturers need to show the same willingness to make these life-saving technologies available to the poor.
Second, that the future would consist of an endless stream of time-saving and life-saving technologies, leading to ever-greater prosperity.
The primary purpose of establishing "Krishna Hospital" was to provide life-saving technologies to the people of India and the rest of the world at an affordable cost.