As the attention of the spectators was drawn to the star and planet, the life-sized image of the K'shikkaa faded away.
Are you claiming that you can get a life-sized image from ground level of a planet orbiting a star, oh, fifty thousand light-years away?
They look so soft ..." Silver's left lower hand reached out to pantomime-pat the life-sized image.
Nogura touched a button on the confer- 70 ence table, and a life-sized three-dimensional image formed in the opposite corner.
A life-sized three-dimensional image of Lady A's head and shoulders appeared in the triscreen.
They were talking animatedly, but no sound accompanied the life-sized images.
Each painting resembles a life-sized silhouetted image of some mysterious person, a "splashy shadow figure."
Its cupola contains life-sized images of angels, but its bell tower was never finished.
In addition to these life-sized images, there is a miniature statue of Ji Gong perched on an overhead beam.
Inside, on the second floor, are tile murals made in Mexico City with life-sized images of servants such as butlers, washwomen, and cobblers.