Way suffered a bizarre, life-threatening accident just nine days ago.
The remarkable sense of remoteness that the woman described is emerging in recent studies as one of the most common feelings people have in life-threatening accidents.
A life-threatening accident in 1992 meant that Anna Chromy was unable to paint for eight years.
Some, like stair gates, electrical outlet covers and window guards, can avert life-threatening accidents.
He uses his newfound invulnerability to collect insurance money and cheap thrills by hurling himself into life-threatening accidents.
An astronaut father looks forward to returning home to his family on Earth, but is met by a life-threatening accident.
Many studies have linked texting while driving to the cause of life-threatening accidents due to driver distraction.
He decided he was probably okay with them suffering a life-threatening accident.
No physical weakness or life-threatening accident seemed to be the cause.
Following Tony's life-threatening accident in the finale of the first series, Effy begins speaking again.