Mrs. Gonya and her husband, Gary, are enthusiastic lifelong Catholics.
Callista, a lifelong Catholic, was instrumental in her husband's conversion to that faith in 2009.
He remained a lifelong Catholic, however.
Scott was a dedicated and lifelong Catholic.
A lifelong Catholic, Murnane had considered entering the priesthood and the legal profession before starting work in a plywood mill.
The latter threatened a lawsuit on behalf of the eight faculty members, several of whom are lifelong Catholics.
The adults who left the church had an average age of 36, as against 39 for the lifelong Catholics.
Only 5 percent of the lifelong Catholics and 6 percent of the converts had an unfavorable view.
Knott was a lifelong Catholic and died in 1854.
"Being a lifelong Catholic, I've always been against the death penalty," she added.