Audubon Centers help to forge lifelong connections between people and nature, developing stewards for conservation among young and diverse communities.
He was going to sever the lifelong connection between her and the golden monkey and use the power released by that to destroy her daughter.
Though Bridgman maintained a lifelong connection to France, his popularity in America never waned.
Meighen the publisher maintained a lifelong connection with the school, and published works relating to it.
According to the advance publicity, this will be "the first exhibition to explore Picasso's lifelong connections with Britain".
If that is so, it began a lifelong connection with the college and its members.
The assignment gave Remington's career a big boost and forged a lifelong connection with Roosevelt.
However, first years still typically share a room, which given Hereford's unique structure, can lead to lifelong connections and unions.
He developed a lifelong emotional connection to Fairfield, which he said had taught him how to reason clearly.
Then began his lifelong connection with the Rothschild family.