That was what comrades in arms and lifelong mates did, she insisted.
What are the qualities that you would want in a lifelong mate and the potential father of your children?
Tyrande's lifelong mate is Malfurion Stormrage, forging a strong friendship with him and his brother Illidan when they were just children.
Monogamous by nature, they find a lifelong mate, nest and, not unlike some of their human neighbors, become very territorial.
DNA analysis has shown that, in 100 percent of the time, the pups are fathered by a female's lifelong mate.
The Hork-Bajir have families consisting of a pair of lifelong mates and children, though the tribal structure seems to make the family structure fairly loose.
Birds built nests, raccoons mated, foxes called to each other, seeking again their lifelong mates.
In 1970 he founds the band Provisorium after meeting his lifelong mate, keyboardist Jaro Filip.
Is it remembering the first time you laid eyes on your lifelong mate, or is it remembering to shut off the stove?
Men often find women who cook for them scary, grasping, desperate and clearly in search of a lifelong mate.