It was during this time that he received his lifelong nickname "Big Joe."
As a boy, Harold worked in his father's grocery store and played baseball, where he earned the lifelong nickname "Scoop".
This is of course most often applied to children's names, though lifelong nicknames can result.
His lifelong nickname was "Harry", and his middle name is unknown.
He frequently stopped to view plant and animal life, earning him his lifelong nickname of "Boone".
He was given his lifelong nickname, Patsy, while at Eton.
In his own view that means getting past his own image (enforced by the use of a lifelong nickname) and closer to something real.
It was there that he received his lifelong nickname "Happy" because of his jovial nature.
Also, there is a Southern tradition for lifelong nicknames.
Vernon was a vegetarian and this led to his lifelong nickname "The Bean".