Mackney is a lifelong opponent of racism and fascism.
Lori, a lifelong opponent of the death penalty, has always tried to find the good in people.
John Wesley, founder of the Methodist church, was a lifelong opponent of slavery.
Mr. Lall was a lifelong opponent of nuclear weapons and nuclear testing.
Harrison was a lifelong opponent of Irish partition.
Darrow was a lifelong opponent of the death penalty, and of 102 men he defended in capital cases during his career not one was executed.
A lifelong opponent of communism, he later wrote that he was impressed by the spirit of the opposition Sajudis party, which won the election.
But Mr. Havel added that as a lifelong opponent of capital punishment, he disagreed with the death penalty.
He has, however, been a lifelong opponent of the death penalty.
Professor Beteille has been a lifelong opponent of caste based reservations in India.