Louis once saved Charlie from drowning and ever since has labored under the impression that Charlie has remained his lifelong pal only because he owes him one.
J. C. gave me ten thousand of his own money- a true lifelong pal- and Jenna loaned me another thirty.
The lyrics they used were, "My bosom buddy and my lifelong pal.....lah dee dee dah.....".
They were always pointing to his friendship with Moe Kaufman as if there was something wrong with one lifelong pal contributing to the other's campaign fund.
Florence Hyde sized Melony up, in a friendly way, and Big Dot put her meaty paw on Melony's shoulder as if they were lifelong pals.
With the Racers, Mio's goaltending was rough, but the most meaningful event of his career occurred when he befriended his lifelong pal, Wayne Gretzky.
Both Spanky and Alfalfa pay a social call on Marianne, and before long, the two lifelong pals have become romantic rivals.
This circumstantial evidence was buttressed by Paul Eckstein, a lifelong pal of Babbitt's, representing the poorer tribes, who was witness to the corruption.
Rothstein has a lifelong pal, Johnny Burke, and makes a deadly enemy, Phil Butler, a corrupt cop.
The boxer, Dempsey, belonged to the actual resident of the home, while the black lab was Dempsey's lifelong pal from down the street, Scotty.