Think it's time to make some healthy lifestyle adjustments?
Treatment emphasis is now also placed on lifestyle adjustments (diet and exercise) though these cannot reverse the progress of the disease.
(Milder cases are often treated with lifestyle adjustments, and doctors remain divided as to whether drugs are currently over- or under-prescribed for the condition.)
While this may be tolerated with some medications and lifestyle adjustments, there may come a time when surgical treatment is necessary.
Now he only occasionally experiences mild apneas and tries to prevent them with lifestyle adjustments, like sleeping on his side to keep his airway open.
And for some consumers, it is accomplished with minor lifestyle adjustments.
Some simple lifestyle adjustments can help.
The following pages will explain how such simple lifestyle adjustments may help sharpen and protect your memory.
Depending on your blood pressure and risk factors for heart disease, you may only need to make a few lifestyle adjustments.
When lifestyle adjustments are not successful in preventing leakage, a device called a pessary can help.