She received the Raghupathi Venkaiah Award in 2005 for her lifetime service to the Telugu film industry.
These services are offered to all graduates as a lifetime service to help them throughout their careers.
Fahey was the first recipient of the Alcohol and Drugs History Society's senior scholar achievement award for lifetime service.
In 2012 the Royal Cruising Club gave Peyton their award for lifetime services to yachting.
Doña de Vera was not satisfied with her lifetime services so she initiated the building of a new church at the center of the barrio.
They might be nulls, committed to lifetime service to human beings, but it simply wasn't right to inflict such a burden on them.
Likewise the award of the Benson Medal for lifetime service in the field of literature is in its gift.
It was the old story, the old saying: "Buy a murderer once and you will get lifetime service."
In 1988 she received a Bessie Award of her own for lifetime service to dance.
After failing to buy my lifetime services, he had tried to scare me into it.