Kaario's design included the modern features of a lift engine blowing air into a flexible envelope for lift.
Unlike Levkov's design, however, these boats generally lacked a lift engine, using power and short wings to create lift at speed.
The initial flights were performed without the four lift engines, which were installed in October 1967.
"I'll use the main lift engines to blow away the mud."
The only sounds came from the exhaust of the lift engines.
Changing from lift engines to insystem-we're supposed to rendezvous with something out here.
The lift engines were apparently working because the vibrations of the main jet were quieting.
The two lift engines were the RD-41 design, a simple single-shaft engine made mostly of titanium.
It can also reduce the level of wear on the lift engines and extend their operational life.
The lift engines were said to be a useful safety feature in the event of failure of the main 'cruise' engines.