The Government also said it would lift preferential tariffs for cars imported from South Korea, which would mainly affect the Hyundai Corporation's local operations.
More than 40 African nations met in Nigeria and agreed to lift all cross-border taxes and tariffs on fertilizers needed to replenish the continent's severely degraded soils.
Japanese officials denied that they acted in hopes that President Reagan, in the last days of his Administration, would lift punitive tariffs on electronics imports.
Under his direction the USRA set construction standards, lifted bothersome tariffs, and consolidated passenger services, all for the purposes of moving soldiers and machinery as efficiently as possible.
It is not a matter simply of lifting tariffs, but of making fundamental reforms - in agriculture, for example.
That divide was underscored in the contrasting reactions to President Bush's decision this fall to lift tariffs on imported steel.
Facing the threat of a trade war, U.S. President George W. Bush lifts 20-month-old tariffs on foreign steel.
That is why economists used to reflexively call for lifting tariffs or other barriers to free trade.
Over a 12-year period, the association agreement is expected to enable Algeria to export goods to the EU tariff-free, while it gradually lifts tariffs on imports from the EU.
He said his company, based in Senegal, saw an opening in the African Growth and Opportunity Act, a federal law that lifted tariffs on goods from 37 African countries.