The bridge's lifting mechanism was removed and the roadway fixed permanently in place.
However the lifting mechanism was removed in the late 20th Century and it has not been opened since.
New windows will probably have the lifting mechanism in the window frame.
A fifth wheel with an integrated lifting mechanism designed to allow the semi-trailers legs to remain in the down position during movement.
Often in many areas they have a lifting mechanism to automatically empty large carts without the operator having to lift the waste by hand.
The lifting mechanism should be arranged to falter and jerk.
The basic requirements are a conditionally unstable environment, significant moisture and a lifting mechanism.
Evidently, a greased counterweight was geared to the lifting mechanism.
They stated the reason for this was the $2 million price tag to fix the lifting mechanism was out of the state government's reach.
Because of the complexity of the outdated lifting mechanism, no cities offered to take the bridge.