His voice was a light baritone, but he could also sing as a tenor, bass or even falsetto.
His voice, a light baritone, thrilled her, but he was spoiling the image a little.
His accent was exquisite, his voice a light baritone.
A smile follows the single word delivered in a light baritone.
Another, a velvet-soft, light baritone, rose above the cranky tenor, soothing.
While Merhlin's light baritone penetrated, his tone was gentle, as if instructing a child.
By the mid-1960s his voice became a deep tenor or light baritone as he matured into adulthood.
He alternated between humming in his light baritone and calling out instructions as they walked through the intricacies of the dance.
His voice, while a light baritone, filled the office.
Despite the man's light baritone and the background noise from more than fifty other patrons, his voice carried easily.