"They feel good to touch, and your eyes are attracted because light bounces off them."
Pettibwa had been heavy for many years, but had always carried her round form with grace and a light bounce in her step.
If you shine a flashlight at a mirror, you can see the light bounce off the mirror.
From the ship's point of view, the light bounces off the front of the bubble and back the way it came.
Some light bounces off soot particles in the air and goes back into outer space.
Inside it's the same, but different, he bounces, but like light bounces.
When the sun burns through the San Francisco fog, light bounces off the trellis, and it looks as if it has caught fire.
Some light bounces off soot particles in the air.
Shafts of light bounce off the mirrors and shoot into the auditorium.
Among other virtues, an external flash can be aimed upward so the light bounces off the ceiling, rather than blasting into your subject's face.