He could see his breath, and there was a light coating of snow on the sidewalk, so it must be.
The entire head had dried down to just the skull covered by a light coating of brown skin.
It would only be a light coating on the outside of the fabric.
But something like this, a light coating of transferred blood, could dry in a matter of minutes.
Sift a light coating of flour onto a work surface.
The A66 was passable with just a light coating of snow.
The crust was not only stale and wet, but had acquired a light coating of what seemed to be cat hair.
However, spraying the ground with a light coating of oil can prevent the spores from becoming airborne again.
Add the potatoes and, with your hands, roll them around in the oil until they are all have a light coating on them.
My idea of a great onion ring is one with a light lacy-crisp coating.