A hair-thin green shot out from the spot where the light had been and crossed the entire screen.
Three lights, red, green and white, crossed the oblong of the window as the plane climbed into the circuit.
The lights cross the bowl gradually, and out again, and then the dip in the road cuts them off.
The lights crossed and moved, making each man into four and casting wild shadows.
Seems like the universe is only about 15 billion years old, but it is bigger than light can cross in that time.
Each time this light crosses his eyes, they seem to burn.
The light from Frank's torch crossed a tall stone column in the opposite corner.
Its light is still crossing space, just reaching our eyes now.
There was a pause during which lights and flicks of messages crossed the main control screen.
The light of the farthest that we can see has crossed an eon to come to us.