Then a brilliant white light had enveloped him.
Suddenly, the light enveloped the canoe and the four men.
"Apparently it is," the Doctor corrected him as a blinding white light enveloped the medical bay.
Suddenly his hair stood on end as a blue light enveloped him.
At that moment, a bright light enveloped her, blinding her.
He slid his fingers up the controls and the red light of the transporter beam enveloped Alexander.
On the way back to the island, they see a white light envelop it, before the entire island appears to sink beneath the waves.
The flashing lights of the city enveloped them - blinking and cold.
The light of saidar enveloped the Windfinders, all of them together, as they linked.
As Desmond uses the key, a bright white light envelops his face.